Managing Full-thickness Rotator Cuff Tears
In a recent propensity matched analysis, patients who opted for surgery experienced superior outcomes compared with patients who decided to try non-operative management first.
In a recent propensity matched analysis, patients who opted for surgery experienced superior outcomes compared with patients who decided to try non-operative management first.
Dr. Cuff Publishes Research Evaluating Long-Term Outcomes of Reverse ShoulderReplacementDr. Cuff and the team at the Foundation forOrthopaedic Research and Education published theirresults in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery inNovember of 2017. Dr. Cuff worked in conjunctionwith Dr. Mark Frankle to publish this long-term studylooking at the reverse shoulder replacement that wasoriginally introduced in the United States in 2003.
On Saturday August 25, 2018 Dr. Cuff will bedirecting the 5th annual GulfcoastOrthopaedic RehabConference at the Hyatt hotel in Sarasota Florida. Anaccomplished group of area surgeons will bepresenting a series of lectures.